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WEB TECHNOLOGIES LABORATORY. LAB MANUAL. Year. : 2018 - 2019. Course Code Uttam K Roy, ―Web Technologies‖, Oxford University Press, 1st Edition, 2010. WEB TECHNOLOGIES. LABORATORY MANUAL. B.TECH. (III YEAR – II SEM). (2018-19). DEPARTMENT OF. COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING. DEV BHOOMI INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. Department of Computer Science and Engineering. Year: 4th. Semester: 8th. WEB-TECH Lab-PCS-852. LAB MANUAL. Prepared By:. Prerequisite –Internet Programming ,Fundamental of Computing and Programming. Lab Manual Designed by – Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering. OBJECTIVES. WEB TECHNOLOGIES LAB MANUAL. DEPT OF CSE, RGMCET. 2. Lab Exercises. 1. Write a HTML program for the demonstration of Lists. a. Unordered List. NCS 554 Web Technology Lab. 1. Write an HTML code to display your education details in a tabular format. 2. Write an HTML code to display your CV on a webDepartment of Computer Science and Engineering. WEB TECHNOLOGY LABORATORY. WITH MINI PROJECT (15CSL77) ,. VII Sem CSE. LAB MANUAL. (2018-19). Prepared by. Web Technologies Lab Manual as per JNTUK-R13. Ch. Vijayananda Ratnam@Dept. Of Computer Science. 1. 1. Design the following static web pages required for an Implement forms using HTML,FRAMES,CSS. WEEK-3. Install the following on local machine. • Apache web server. • Tomcat application server locally,. •
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