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IMPORTANT! The Analyzer recipe that is open when you save a Vision recipe becomes part of that Vision recipe. Page 64 Below the Data Analyzer, the Analysis return to the same help page by re-selecting the help tab. The help opens to a table of contents. (on the left) and an introduction to Vision64. Next, select your desired Category (i.e. Installation Manual, Software Patch, Service Bulletin,etc.). Search results will begin to filter on the right side Start the Vision 64 software by double-clicking the icon. Select the Auto button in the Intensity Control window, or manually slide the bar to. Bruker Contour X-200 user Manual The Bruker Contour X-200 is an optical profiler providing Open Vision 64 Software on the X-200 PC.Vision64 Map enables more comprehensive 3D surface visualization and analytical data with Bruker 3D optical microscope systems. Now, a complete metrology
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