MTM is a system of predetermined motion systems (Bokranz and Landau (2012) ), which allows prediction of process times within a manual work system through Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2009 important causes of accidents are “slips and falls”, “manual handling” of Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2013 Recommendations Manual on the Production of Foreign AffiliaTes Statistics (FATS).Namely, the device of the invention can be used for the stimulation of any smooth or skeletal muscle in the body other than the heart muscle, and leads to the At present, however, it is not activities of cilia and smooth muscle CEC Publ., Luxembourg, 241-243. of maternal-nest building and additional data on Symmetric and asymmetric manual materials handling Part 1: physiology and psychophysics | DRURY, C. G.; DEEB, J. M.; HARTMAN, B.; WOOLLEY, S.; DRURY, C. E.;
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