Looking for a gentoo linux handbook online? FilesLib is here to help you save time spent on searching. Search results include file name, description, size and number of pages. You can either read gentoo linux handbook online or download it to your computer.
This is the testing wiki, it may be non-functional and outdated at any time. Please find the official wiki at wiki.gentoo.org. -The installation of Gentoo SELinux is the same as regular Gentoo. The regular -install should be followed from the -Gentoo Handbook, -keeping in mind the following notes.Then the -system should converted to SELinux using the - (SELinux Conversion Guide). -It is recommended to use the hardened stage 3 tarball if you are building a -hardened Gentoo system (which is also recommended). Gentoo SELinux Handbook. Content: Introduction to Gentoo/Hardened SELinux In this part we cover what SELinux is and how it is positioned within the Gentoo/Hardened project. Enhancing Linux Security Security is more than enabling a certain framework or installing a different Linux kernel. It is a way of working / administrating your Gentoo Linux
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