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INSTRUCTION MANUAL your creative assistant MODEL: 760 EMPISAL COMPLETE FREE ARM OVER Keep your eyes on the needles when operating the overlock machine. All standard overlock seams can be sewn with this adjustment. Stitch finger A will be pushed backward. All rolled hems can be sewn with this adjustment. Manual Empisal S4D. View the Empisal S4D manual for free or ask your question to other Empisal S4D owners.INSTRUCTION MANUAL. T. ᎧᎧ. Empisal. MODEL S 4 D ADJUSTING OVERLOCK STITCH WIDTH Set your Sewing machine on a sturdy flat surface. This overlock machine can stitch dependable seams on all kinds of fabric, both light and heavy, including cotton, wool, rayon, tricot, jersey, and knits. You do
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