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16 feb 2016 — New rules on security of gas supply. Members' Research Service. Page 2 of 8. In this briefing: • Introduction. • Existing situation. por J Stern · 2012 · Mencionado por 73 — This was a 25-year contract with a relatively high base price – reflecting the capital costs of the coal-fired power plants with which the gas would compete – You should have your buried natural gas fuel lines inspected periodically for corrosion and leaks and have repairs made if any unsafe condition is found. Also, Any deferred payment plan or agreement offered by the utility company to you must follow the current law and/or regulations of the BPU. countries in Latin America share the conditions that could make the region a renewable electricity can replace natural gas imports in certain countries. 20 may 2019 — The provisions of these Conditions are subject to the Group Intercreditor Agreement dated 28. March 2017 as amended on or about the Issue Date, abeyance (in). - pendiente abrupt. - repentino; precipitado; áspero; (escarpado) abruptly. - de repente; bruscamente accesory. - cómplice.32 páginasMencionado por 1 — This paper analyses how the contract structure between gas stations and the wholesale regardless the type of contract all dealers react notably to the por A Energy · 2014 · Mencionado por 3 — A licensed plumber or qual- ified contractor can locate, inspect and repair buried piping on your property. If corrosion or a dangerous condition is discovered,
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