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William Wordsworth (1770-1850). Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey, On Revisiting the Banks of the Wye during a Tour. July 13, 1798. Tintern Abbey possesses a special historical value as the first clear statement of the emotional change in poetry of which the Romantic Movement was the climax de JG García · 2015 · Citado por 5 — William Wordsworth, Romanticismo, LiteraturaComparada, Poetry of William Wordsworth in 1920s Spain: 'Tintern Abbey' and 'Personal Talk'”. Formato: PDF, ePUB y MOBI – para PC, Kindle, tablet, móvil When reading the poem “I wandered lonely as a cloud” by William Wordsworth for the first timeThis paper aims at exploring some aspects of Miguel de Unamuno's engagement with Samuel Taylor Coleridge's poetry. The Spanish author wrote in 1907 his first de W Wordsworth · Citado por 5 — Wordsworth in 1920s Spain: 'Tintern Abbey' and 'Personal Talk'”. Abstract: This article considers two Spanish translations of two poems by William. 27 sept 2022 — “Tintern Abbey” by William Wordsworth (1798) · I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud A structural analysis of william wordsworth's poems. 11 abr 2011 — TINTERN ABBEY, de William Wordsworth El doctor Johnson tildó de poeta metafísico a John Donne en una época en que la metafísica era todavía Wordsworth.Tintern Abbey (bilingual) william wordsworth lines composed few miles above tintern abbey, on revisiting the banks of the wye during tour. july
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