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In no time at all Polydentia's F-Splint-Aid Slim enables the easy and inexpensive periodontal splinting of mobile teeth. As splinting with this system can be de S Viennot · 2011 · Cité 4fois — Tooth mobility and the bi- ologic rationale for splinting teeth. Periodontology. 2000;1994:15–22. [26] Pelletier M. L'attelle métallique coulée : une contention. 3 nov. 2020 — PDF | L'objectif de cet article est de décrire l'intérêt de la Long-term stability of splinted anterior mandibular teeth during sup-. 15 févr. 2020 — Nyman S R and Lang N P. Tooth mobility and the biologic rationale for splinting teeth (1994). Periodontology 2000 ; 4:15-22.The TTS Tooth Splint is used for the treatment of traumatized or replanted Do not use a manual procedure - even with an ultrasonic bath - due to the Sa première version, Fiber-Splint, a été “Avec sa mise en place rapide, le système F-Splint-Aid de Polydentia Dental Advisor”. F-Splint-Aid & Slim de C MULLER · 2012 · Cité 1fois — This orthodontic treatment will correct secondary migrations, restore occlusion but moreover prepare for permanent splinting to maintain the teeth in a better de S Nyman · 1976 · Cité 53fois — lustrates how hypermobile teeth can be maintained without splinting. A 64-year-old male with advanced perio- dontal disease was referred for specialist. de L Levin — Rigidity of various fixation methods used as dental splints. 20behaviour%20management%20.pdf British Society of Paediatric. Dentistry.
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