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TACACS+. TACACS+ (Terminal Access Controller Access Control System Plus) is a protocol originally developed by Cisco Systems, and made available to the user community by a draft RFC, TACACS+ Protocol, Version 1.78 (draft-grant-tacacs-02.txt). TACACS+ provides AAA (Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting) services over a secure TCP PAN-OS. PAN-OS® Administrator's Guide. Authentication. Configure TACACS+ Authentication. Download PDF. TACACS-aware device that communicates with a TACACS server for authentication services. Some other terms you may see in literature describing TACACS operation are communication server, remote access server, or terminal server. These terms apply when TACACS+ is enabled on the switch (that is, when the switch is TACACS-aware). TACACS AV Pairs ThenetworkaccessserverimplementsTACACS+authorizationandaccountingfunctionsbytransmitting andreceivingTACACS+attribute-value(AV)pairsforeachusersession
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