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por RJ Taylor Jr · 1997 · Mencionado por 2 — The concept of the indirect approach is specific to maneuver. As such, Sun Tzu's views on maneuver are applicable to the operational level of war. Sun Tzu views. 13 may 2016 — Read Sun tzu el arte de la guerra by Renato Carpio on Issuu and browse (Citado por Samuel B. Griffith, en The Art of war (trad.) 4 jul 2022 — PDF | This article intends to investigate the meaning of war in a Chinese text wrote more than 300 years ago: The Art of War, by Sun Tzu. 5 nov 2002 — Sun Tzu, The Art of War, trans. Samuel B. Griffith (London: Oxford University Press,. 1971), 102–10. 24. FM 3-0, Operations, 14 June 2001, Sun Tzu, The Art of War, introducción de B. H. Liddell Hart y traducción de Samuel B. Griffith (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1971). Marine Corps Combat 29 feb 2012 — tzu exhortó a sus líderes militares a no “poner pdf>. sun tzu, The Art of War (El arte de la guerra), Samuel B. Griffith, editor,.por S Tzu · 2014 · Mencionado por 2250 — S. B. Griffith. (1963), Sun Tzu. The Art of War, Oxford UP, Oxford, 1971, p. 11. Mao Tse-Tung y la guerra justa Griffith (The Art of War, Oxford, que hablan de “justicia” Samuel B. Griffith, el traductor de Sun Tzu al inglés,
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