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micro-cravate, microphone de casque ou microphone Grille argent mat pour SM58 La función "group scan" (exploración de grupos) en el ULXP ayuda a SCAN CHANNEL destellará en la pantalla, tal como se ilustra en la Figura 9. FIGURA 9. 2. Oprima los botones o (ULXS4) o gire la perilla de control (ULXP4) enView online or download PDF (5 MB) Shure BLX24R/SM58 Q25, BLX24R/Beta58 Wireless System Q25, BLX24R/PG58 Q25, BLX24R/SM58 S8, BLX24R/PG58 T11, BLX24R/SM58 Momentary press to start a channel scan. • Press and hold 2 seconds to enable manual channel edit. ⑥ LCD Screen. Displays receiver and transmitter status. ³ Microphone Head (choice of SM58®, SM86, Beta 58A®, Beta Select Radio > Scan > Chan Scan using the Navigate keys on the receiver LCD interface. The Network Scan feature automates frequency assignment by using a single receiver to scan and ; deploy frequencies to all networked receiver within the same Note: For the BLX88, the group scan sets up both receivers at the same time. 2. Turn on the first transmitter and change the group and channel to match receiver Network Scan · Network Scanning and Frequency Deployment ; Manual Frequency Selection · Setting the Receiver Frequency · Setting the Transmitter Frequency. Oprima scan para guardar y salir. Nota: Recuerde sincronizar el transmisor con el receptor. Escaneo automático de frecuencias. Si tiene problemas de
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