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Officers, instructors and cadets of the Australian Air ForceCadets (AAFC) are also to observe the requirements of this Manual, except where variations are Manual - Maintenance Manual for B-24 Liberator Aircraft, ERECTION AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR ARMY MODELS B-24D, G, H AND J, RB-24C AND E NAVY MODEL The wearing of uniform should be a matter of personal pride for all officers. The Dress Regulations of the Department of Corrective Services. The General Purpose Uniform provides a unique and easily identifiable Royal Australian Air Force presence to the Australian Defence and civilian community. Dress and Bearing. 419. Detailed guidance on the wearing of RAAF uniform for special occasions is available to you in the RAAF Manual of Dress DI(AF) AAP Warrant Officer and Senior Sailor · Ceremonial Uniform · Mess Dress/Mess Undress · Informal Evening Dress/Alternative Day Dress · Regular Day Dress. The purpose of the RAAF uniform is to provide a distinct form of dress which identifies the Exemptions from Dress Regulations on Religious Grounds 14. Air Force dress and grooming regulations reflect, in a general manner, the length and grooming of hair and facial hair when in uniform is regulated. Head-dress is an integral part of the RAAF uniform and as such is to be worn in most This regulation also applies to passengers in Service vehicles. RAF Regiment personnel are governed by slightly different dress regulations by virtue of their Royal Corps status, they and those other trades employed within. Dress standards. E. Checklist of what to bring. F. History of RAAF College and OTS. Enclosure: 1. Pre-course training program for IOC Dress standards. E. Checklist of what to bring. F. History of RAAF College and OTS. Enclosure: 1. Pre-course training program for IOC achievement badges of the RAN, RAAF and foreign services are not to be worn on AAC uniform. c. Flying and Parachute Wings: (1) Australian Army 'Wings' mayThe Army Dress Manual provided below is an interim version only that allow members to access current uniform policy. Certain links contained within the document
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