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“octet rule” by sharing two electrons only. Two hydrogen atoms form a covalent bond to make a hydrogen molecule. Each contributes one electron. When forming compounds, atoms tend to gain, lose, or share electrons until they are surrounded by eight valence electrons (the octet rule). Energetics of Ionicelectrons available, A: ▫ Add one e- to A for each negative charge. ▫ Subtract one e- from A for each positive charge. The Octet Rule: Examples. Lewis Structure and Octet Rule. MODULE -2 Chemistry Notes Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding View PDF. Journal of Computational Chemistry. This tendency of atoms to have eight electrons in their outer shell is known as the octet rule. Formation of Ions: the ability of an ion to form complexes and to speculation on hold electrons in order to make the element electrically neutral. the possible electrical origin
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