To elaborate on Christopher Wright's answer: An S basis value is taken from a specification. For example, if I buy hot finished, annealed, 304 stainless steel bars using ASTM A276 as my purchasing Because SS304 contains 18% chromium (Cr) and 8% nickel (Ni), it's also known as 18/8 stainless steel. Type 304 has good processability, weldability, corrosion resistance, heat resistance, low temperature strength and mechanical properties, good hot workability such as stamping and bending, and no heat treatment hardening. characterization, test and maintenance of composite materials and structures. • To . provide reliable data, linked to control of processes and raw materials, thereby being a comprehensive source of material property basis values and design information that can be shared within the industry. • To . provide a resource for composite material and properties, tenacity and impact resistance, Twaron® and Endumax®-based armoring products are successfully used in military and police applications from helicopters to tanks, trucks, vessels, 8 Aramids by Teijin Handbook ballistic materials 9. 2 Handbook ballistic materials. Handbook ballistic materials. 2] 6. The information in this Handbook reflects the move within the military to incorporate best commercial practices and the lessons learned over many years of acquiring weapon systems "by the book". Military as well as commercial standards and handbooks are cited for reference because they are familiar to both military and commercial companies. For more than a decade, NASA, FAA, industry and academia have been working toward the goal of creating a centralized composite material property database similar to that for metals. Their efforts, while productive, have not come with the war-like strength that the standardization of metals did. The composites industry is guided by Composite Materials Handbook 17 or CMH-17 (formerly known as ( AMCP 706 177) Engineering Design Handbook Explosives Series, Properties Of Explosives Of Military Interest U. S. Army Materiel Command by usgov significant effects on material properties either alone or in synergism. The hard vacuum of space with its pressures below 10 −4 Pa (10 −6 Torr) causes some materials to outgas, which in turn affects any spacecraft component with a line-of-sight to the emitting 1. This standardization handbook was developed by the Department of Defense in accordance with established procedure. 2. This publication was approved on 29 December 1987 for printing and inclusion in the military standardization handbook series.Vertical lines and asterisks are not used in this revision to identify changes for two casting materials: B201-T7 and D357-T6. Composition specifications for these cast-ings are, respectively, AMS 4242 and AMS 4241, to which a small amount of strontium (0.014 wt% max) or sodium (0.012 wt% max) was added as a silicon modifier. Tensile prop-erties and plane-strain fracture toughness data are listed in Tables A.7.7 to A7.10. The MMPDS (Metallic Materials Properties Development Standardization) Handbook is recognized throughout the world, and it represents the primary source of statistically based design allowables for metallic materials and fastened joints used in the design of aerospace vehicle structures in the United States (U.S.). CRC Handbook of materials' properties - not too complete in spite of its more than 2000 pag. Cite. 6th Jul, 2012. Amin S. Azar. Effe
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