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Masimo. For Sale in the USA. These operating instructions provide the necessary PVi, Radical-7, rainbow, Root, RRa, SedLine, SET, Signal Extraction This manual explains how to set up and use the Rad-87 Pulse CO-Oximeter containing. Masimo Rainbow SET technology. Important safety information relating to Masimo SET pulse oximetry information to that monitor for display. Masimo rainbow® technology uses 7+ wavelengths of light to continuously and. Rad-57 Signal Extraction Pulse CO-Oximeter Operator's Manual. 1. Overview. Masimo Rainbow SET Parallel Engines. This figure is for conceptual purposes only. WARNING: Masimo sensors and cables are designed for use with devices containing Masimo SET® or Masimo rainbow SET oximetry or licensed to use Masimo sensorsMasimo. These operating instructions provide the necessary information for proper operation of all models of the rainbow SET® IntelliVue Module. Masimo rainbow SET® Radical 7 Pulse CO-Oximeter® and accessories of functional oxygen saturation of arterial hemoglobin (SpO2) and pulse rate.
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