Instruction texts tell the reader how to do something, like how to cook a meal or how to build a chair. They must be written clearly so the reader can easily fileslib. Rating 5.0 (3) This checklist can be used to assess year 2 students' ability to write a set of instructions with all the required text features.
In today's Literacy lesson Miss Sainsbury is showing us the features of instructions. Can you Duration: 4:27 Posted:
Teach your students the proper way to write instructions. After watching this video, 50K views Duration: 5:47 Posted:
Step 3 - SPaG and Key Features. Imperative verbs powerpoint.ppt Year 2 Punctuating sentences powerpoint.ppt Year 2 Present and past progressive tense In this lesson, we will read through instructions and find their features, including sequencing words and imperative verbs.
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