The words "Navy" and "Naval" as used in this Manual include the Marine Corps, except where the context indicates differently. The Uniform Code of Military Justice and the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States, 2002, are referred to as "UCMJ" and "MCM" respectively in this Manual. The Military Rules of Evidence and Rules for Court-Martial are As noted above, AR 600-20 provides policy for the Army. Secretary of the Navy Instruction (SECNAVINST) 1610.2A of 15 July 2005 [2] sets out policy on hazing for both the Navy and Marine Corps. It is supplemented by NAVADMIN 034-13 [3], on reporting and tracking hazing and bullying incidents. Marine Corps policy is also contained in Marine Corps Army regulations allow corrective training to be conducted during or outside of normal duty hours. It is important that the Soldier and chain of command (or concern) remember that corrective training is not punishment, and should not be confused with extra duty imposed as punishment under Article 15, Uniformed Code of Military Justice. Regular promotion to corporal and sergeant depends on a Marine's composite score. •The promotion system up to the rank of sergeant is described in The Promotion System lesson of this course. •The reference is Marine Corps Order P1400.32D, Marine Corps Promotion Manual, Volume 2, Enlisted Promotions, also known as the Promotion Manual. Reenlistments Marine Corps personnel can call the EO Advice Line (844) 818-1674 or contact their servicing EOA for more information on how and where to file a report and what kinds of behaviors violate this policy. Anonymous Reports . Marine Corps personnel can file an anonymous report alleging prohibited activities and conduct.
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