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Dear Dragon: Would you repeat fiGood Hits & Bad Missesfl from one of the previous magazines? One of my friends had it and was showing it to me. I thought that it was a good thing. Robert Collins Mollala OR Carl Parlagreco's "Good Hits & Bad Misses" (issue #39) was, if memory serves, the only critical-hits article that this magazine has download 19 files . ABBYY GZ . Uplevel BACK 44.3M . Dragon Magazine Annual 1997_text.pdf download. 45.9M The Art of Dragon Magazine_text.pdf download. download 19 files . SINGLE PAGE PROCESSED JP2 ZIP . Uplevel BACK 44 66 78 84 88 92 3 4 6 SPECIAL ATTRACTION The House in the Frozen Lands Š James Adams An AD&Dfi game adventure for investigative characters OTHER FEATURES The Cult of the Dragon Š Ed Greenwood Dragons can be liches, too Š here™s how For better or Norse: I Š Joel McGraw Expanding one of the most popular pantheons . . . DRAGON Magazine (ISSN 0279-6848) is pub-lished monthly for a subscription price of $24 per year by Dragon Publishing, a division of TSR Hobbies, Inc., P.O. Box 110, Lake Geneva WI 53147. DRAGON Magazine is available at hundreds of hobby stores and bookstores throughout the United States and Canada, and through a limit-ed number of overseas outlets. Dragon Magazine 342. pdf October 2019 217. Dragon Magazine 388 November 2019 94. Dragon Magazine 343. Dragon Magazine - 1988 07. pdf 38.4 MB 2010-Aug-12 Dragon Magazine - 1988 08. pdf 22.3 MB 2010-Aug-12 Dragon Magazine - 1989 05. pdf 8.0 MB 2017-Mar-24 18 Files - 0 Folders Total size: 573.
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