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For permission to use the images shown on this site or for more information about this site or vegetable disease management please contact Dr. Sally A. Miller. Dr. Sally A. Miller Vegetable Pathology Program The Ohio State University Wooster, OH 44691 330-263-3678 (office); 330-466-5249 (mobile) miller.769@osu.edu Plant Disease Management for Organic Crops •2. tion, and the nature of soil, water, and other physical features of each site. EXCLUSION The practice of keeping out any materials or objects that are contaminated with pathogens or diseased plants and preventing them from entering the production sys- Monitor crops and make sure the disease is diagnosed correctly, as charcoal rot and fusarium wilt display similar symptoms in hotter regions. • Crop rotation is important if the disease has occurred. • Remove and destroy infected crop residue. • Apply recommended fungicides. Figure 7. Gummy stem blight (Photo courtesy of Diseases of Field Crops and Their Management PDF Book. Book. Agriculture. ICAR eCourse. November 2, 2017 2. Book Detail: Diseases of Field Crops and Their Management. Language: English. Pages: 198. Sting nematode on turfgrass. Vegetable diseases. Anthracnose of beans. Bacterial leaf spot of ornamentals and vegetables. Bacterial wilt of potatoes. Common blight of beans. Common scab of potatoes. Downy mildew of brassicas. Grey mould (botrytis) in greenhouse tomato crops. SELECTED BACTERIAL DISEASES OF VEGETABLES Cool, wet growing seasons can be conducive for many diseases on vegetable crops in Connecticut. This update highlights some of the key bacterial problems that are often encountered and includes angular leaf spot and bacterial wilt of cucurbits, black rot of crucifers, bacterial canker and bacterial MARKET DISEASES OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLES: ASPARAGUS, ONIONS, BEANS, PEAS, CARROTS, CELERY, AND RELATED VEGETABLES1 By GLEN B. RAMSEY, senior pathologist, and JAMES S. WIANT, associate pathol- ogist, Division of Fruit and Vegetable Crops and Diseases, Bureau of Plant Industry CONTENTS «SI oí" m Lily family Pulse 2 Asparagus Beans—Continued. 2 These plants are affected by few of the diseases that affect other popular garden plants. Beans and peas increase nitrogen fertility where they are planted, enriching the soil for the plants that are to follow them in a rotation. These plants can be extremely productive, and are a great source of dietary fiber and, in some cases, vegetable protein. The most common species of Pythiumthat cause important plant diseases in Florida are Pythium myriotylumand P. aphanidermatum. Other species of Pythium that are sometimes associated with dysfunc- tional plants in Florida are P. splendens, P. irregulare, and P. vexans. • Select plant species that are less prone to pest problems. Some plants are consistently plagued by certain insect pests and diseases. • Evaluate the planting site for exposure to light, low spots, wind speed and direction. Choosing plants suited to their growing conditions reduces plant stress, which helps prevent insect and disease problems. that these three crops account for 17% of the total gross farm-gate value of all the vegetables grown in the county. Tropical vegetables
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