NHR Handboeken. Het handboek beschrijft de variabelen sets die voor de gespecificeerde periode van toepassing zijn. Voorgaande versies van handboeken zijn op te vragen via info@nederlandsehartregistratie.nl. Ablatie registratie. NHR Handboek Ablatie versie 22.1.1 (geldig voor interventies vanaf 1-1-2022) Aanlevertemplates Ablatie versie 22.1.0 fileslib. The Chroma-Q Color Force LED Batten is a brute of a light. The super bright RGBA fixtures easily washes up to 8 m (26 ft.). In addition, advanced ColorSure RGBA color and control management
Chroma Q Scroller Standard scroller that can be mounted on Source 4 pars, Source 4 lekos and Par 64's. Standard Christie Lites gel scrolls are available or custom scrolls can be made (from 2 to 16 colors) Standard gel scrolls colors: OW, R312, R15, R22, R26, R27, R339, R39, R358, R79, R382, R3202, R76, R95, R94, R90
The Chroma-Q is designed to be one of the most reliable colour changers available. Theutilizationofdigitalcircuitryandhightechnologycompositematerials,producesan affordable colour changer which is capable of scrolling gel strings of various lengths from2to16colours. TheChroma-Qisdesignedtogiveyearsoftroublefreeuse,providingthatitisregularly
Home Spectra Q3 Scroller Spectra Q3 Scroller $ 20.00 - $ 20.00 The Spectra Q3 is designed for use with common ellipsoidal and PAR fixtures with apertures ranging from 6.25" to 10". Features include LED readouts for data, level, and power. Rate of 2 seconds from end to end. • 11 5/8" (l) x 11 1/4" (w) x 3 1/2" (d) • 4.5 lbs.
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Agregado por Nilo 0 Comentarios 1 Me gusta
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