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Jun 6, 2016 — Anycontrol AC-211 Thermostat Review: Very Affordable! I've scanned and included the instructions for the Anycontrol 211 here. Anycontrol AC-211 heat and cool temperature control is designed to control two different temperature regulating devices. One outlet controls a heating The directions on OBK by a reviewer were misleading. Function 1 is temp, function 2 is the cooling differential and 3 the heating. Knowing that the differential Does anyone own this temperature controller? How in the heck do you use it? there are 4 buttons -up, down, set, save MEDIUM TEMPERATURE. Refrigerant R410A. For applications with electrical support heater or boiler back-up. Jun. 2015. 10 12 211 – GB – 06Apr 17, 2014 — Its instruction paper gives all the schematics but doesn't actually tell you how to use the darn thing. Any help would be great. I am going to Important instructions and explanations The basic purpose of ECAS is to balance any control deviations. 446 170 211 0 (IVECO). in bulk digital reptile aquarium temperature controller ringder ac-212 110v 10a in anycontrol. Their sale volume ranks first all the time in the market.
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