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Jul 8, 2021 - Below is the List of normal English vs advanced English Sentences. Learn this interesting lesson to improve your Spoken English. When you are learning English focus on learning phrases that you can use -people who are advanced learners or native speakers of the English language.Below is the list of normal English vs advanced English sentences: Normal English: “I'm very tired.” Advance English: “I'm exhausted.” Welcome to 500+ Real English Phrases! The goal of this book is to teach you English phrases (not just individual Advanced English Grammar. [PDF] 650+ English Phrases for Everyday Speaking: Phrases for Beginner. When you are learning English focus on learning phrases that you can use -people who Normal Vs Advanced English Sentences Normal English : Are you mad? Advance English: Are you out of your mind? Normal English : I am not sure about it. Advance 10 English Advanced Phrases for Telling Someone to Wait · Could you give me a minute? · (informal) Hang on a sec / Just a sec. · Hold on… · Let me see/think… · I'll
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